
Making an appointment

Our reception is open weekdays from 8:30am to 6:30pm.

Availability permitting, we will do our best to accommodate requests for same day and/or urgent appointments.

The surgery is opened one Saturday every 4 weeks, between 9:00am to 1:00pm. Appointments on Saturday must be pre-booked.

To make an appointment you can use one of our following services:

  • On the Phone - You can book face to face or appointments over the telephone by phoning our reception on 01727 832125
  • In the Surgery - You can come into to the surgery and book at the reception.
  • Book Online - Certain appointments may be made available for online booking using the NHS App. If you have already registered for this service please use the NHS App. Once set-up with an NHS login you can also access your NHS services using this link. You can also request an appointment by using the eConsult tool. The tool will collect important information and a member of staff will contact you after reviewing the information.

Cancel an Appointment

It is important that you inform the practice if you are unable to attend your appointment. This will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment. Persistent defaulters maybe removed from the list.

Use one of the services to cancel your appointment:

  • On the Phone - by phoning our reception on 01727 832125
  • In the Surgery - You can come into to the surgery.


Our appointment system is designed to enable patients to telephone on the day they require an appointment, although a few appointments can be booked up to a fortnight in advance. 

Patients may specify a preferred doctor although this will limit the number of appointments available.


You may find the following information useful -

Why you don’t always need to see your GP

Midway Surgery triage service is run by one of the doctors during morning surgery. The reception team will enquire whether your concern is new and will recommend that you are placed on our triage list. The doctor will call patients on a first come first served basis (unless EMERGENCY) and discuss your symptoms.

If the doctor feels they cannot rectify your concern, through doctor’s advice and prescription queries, they will invite you in to attend a same day appointment. This system ensures that our patients can receive advice from the doctor on the day of their call and that your doctor’s advice is never more than a few hours away.

Midway Surgery offer Telephone Triage for all new concerns and Telephone Appointments with your preferred doctor for convenient advice for ongoing concerns, medication reviews, prescriptions and test results.

Please give consideration to which appointment best suits your concern.

Patients with Learning Disabilities due to attend a health check

If you are a patient with Learning Disabilities, or the carer of a patient with Learning Disabilities, please click here to download and complete the "Health Check for People with a Learning Disability" form before you visit the surgery.

Telephone Consultations

The doctors and practice nurses are pleased to give telephone advice. You may be asked to ring back or leave a contact telephone number if your doctor or practice nurse is not immediately available.

Telephone consultations are designed for medication review, follow up appointments or general problems, where no examination is needed.

Home Visits

We always encourage patients to be seen in the surgery where possible.

If you are too ill to come to the surgery and would like the doctor to visit you the same day, please telephone the surgery before 12:00pm - tel: 01727 832125.

Late For Your Appointment

Please attend your appointment on time, if you are late you may not be seen. If you are not seen you will not be able to rearrange your appointment until the next working day-except in the event of an medical emergency that requires immediate attention.


If you require an interpreter to attend with you when you see your Doctor please notify the receptionist and she will arrange this for you.

Opening Times

Click to open

Training Practice

Midway Surgery is an accredited Training Practice which means that we meet the high standards of clinical care set by the East of England Deanery to teach medical students and qualified doctors in their foundation and specialist years. You may be asked to see one of them and your agreement ensures that our future doctors get the necessary experience and are well trained. All learners are closely supervised by one of our permanent GPs.

The GP Registrars are fully qualified doctors and have a great deal of medical experience. They are attached to the practice for up to 12 months and usually become general practitioners after completing their training. As part of their final training they are encouraged to seek advice when required from the practice doctors. The GP Registrars are required to produce video recordings of some of their consultations as part of their training. You will be asked for your consent prior to any such consultation and the consultation is strictly confidential between the Registrar and their Trainer.